Top 12 questions candidates are asking in Hungary 2023 (UPDATED)

  • December 5th, 2022
Top 12 questions candidates are asking in Hungary 2023 (UPDATED)

At RED. Recruitment We speak with more than 700 candidates on a weekly basis and most of them are applying for opportunities in the Central Eastern European region if something is changing in the job market, we can perceive it immediately. Closing 2022, we can certainly say that it can be defined as a year full of mixed feelings in business and we can surely observe the same trend in the relationship between candidates and employers. 

As the job market continues to evolve, candidates are becoming increasingly proactive and inquisitive about the positions they pursue. Hungary, with its growing economy and vibrant job market, is attracting a considerable number of job seekers. In 2022, several recurring questions have emerged from candidates, reflecting their concerns and desires for a successful job search. In this article, we will explore the top 10 questions that candidates are asking in Hungary and provide insights from a recruiter company to shed light on these queries.

1. The name of the company

When it comes to candidates seeking the ideal workforce match, it's no surprise that they often turn to recruitment agencies in Hungary for assistance. Throughout the recruiting process, candidates have valid inquiries, one of which involves asking the agency recruiter for the name of the company. This essential information allows candidates to align their values and aspirations with the company's culture and reputation. Armed with the company's name, candidates can conduct thorough research and tailor their application materials accordingly. It enables them to demonstrate genuine interest during interviews, ensuring they make informed decisions when pursuing opportunities. As the job market grows increasingly competitive, candidates understand the importance of optimizing their chances for success.

2. The salary

Althouhg, this being first or second question in a conversation might seem awkward and very material, very often it could also mean that candidates are trying to avoid a waste of time to recruiters and themselves.Understanding the financial aspects of a job opportunity is crucial for candidates to make informed decisions about their career paths. By obtaining insights into salary ranges, bonus structures, and additional benefits like cafeteria plans, candidates can assess the overall value and attractiveness of a job offer. This information empowers candidates to align their expectations and negotiate effectively during the hiring process. Recruitment agencies in Hungary serve as valuable resources for candidates, providing them with comprehensive details on salary, compensation, and cafeteria benefits, enabling them to make informed decisions and secure the most suitable employment opportunities. In an economy where employees are contacted almost twice a week, there is no doubt that the financial aspects are a discriminant. If meanwhile hiring, you are still looking at the salary benchmarks built by some Fortune 100 global staffing company, please stop. Those are only Lead Magnets and marketing traps to capture your contact details. There is no worse benchmark than a free one.

3. The organisational structure

Understanding the organisational structure is not only pure candidates'curiosity but helps also giving a meaning to a job title and description that you are showing to them. This information holds great significance for candidates as it helps them envision their fit and contribution to the overall framework of the organization. By knowing the org chart, candidates can gain insights into the reporting lines, team dynamics, and hierarchical structure of the company. This knowledge enables candidates to evaluate how their role aligns with the broader objectives and strategic direction of the organization. It allows them to assess factors such as career progression opportunities, collaboration potential, and decision-making authority within their prospective team. Understanding where they would play their role provides candidates with a clearer picture of their responsibilities, scope of influence, and potential for growth within the company. This knowledge empowers candidates to make well-informed decisions about pursuing the opportunity, ensuring a better alignment of their skills, aspirations, and values with the company's vision and culture. As an agency recruiter, providing candidates with transparency regarding the org chart and their role within it builds trust and enhances their confidence in pursuing the opportunity. If your client or your company, didn't disclose it try to retrieve more information before contacting prospect candidates. For them, the job is one of the most important life choices and it is normal that they want to make a well informed choice.


4. What are the most in-demand skills in the Hungarian job market?

Each interview is for candidates also a way to collect tips and hints on what to highlight or study next on their resumes. Candidates are eager to know which skills are currently sought after by employers and eventually in some cases, we are talking about few hours of e-learning certifications and some practice. As the job market becomes more competitive, having knowledge about the most valuable skills can help candidates make informed decisions regarding their career development. Currently, the most in-demand skills are Digital Literacy and Tech skills, Language skills, STEM, and Project Management; but also Sales and Marketing and Customer Support. Especially when talking about tech skills, there are always for similar objectives and processes multiple tech stacks that could be used or deployed. For instance, it is very intriguing to see how in the galaxy related to Cloud skills, there is a very positive discriminant within Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS or Terraform knowledge. The same could apply to Infrastructure technologies brands or Cybersecurity systems.

5. What are the key industries that offer promising career opportunities in Hungary?

Understanding the industries that are experiencing growth and providing ample career prospects is crucial for candidates seeking stability and long-term career growth. Identifying the industries that align with their skills and interests enables candidates to focus their job search effectively. The key industries that offer promising career opportunities are: Information Technology (IT) and Software Development: The IT sector in Hungary has been experiencing rapid growth, making it a hotbed for job opportunities. Companies specializing in software development, IT services, cybersecurity, and digital solutions are constantly seeking skilled professionals.  Another industry is Automotive: Hungary has a strong presence in the automotive industry, with major manufacturers and suppliers operating in the country. The sector offers a wide range of career opportunities, including engineering, manufacturing, logistics, research and development, and supply chain management. Lastly, another sector is the one of  Financial Services: The financial sector in Hungary continues to grow, providing opportunities in banking, insurance, investment, and fintech. Roles in finance, accounting, risk management, financial analysis, and financial technology are in demand.

6. How can I enhance my chances of standing out among other candidates?

With a plethora of candidates vying for limited job openings, standing out in the crowd is essential. Candidates are seeking guidance on how to highlight their unique strengths and accomplishments to differentiate themselves from other applicants. Some strategies could be:

  • Tailor your application materials: Customize your resume, cover letter, and any other application materials to match the specific requirements and keywords mentioned in the job description. Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the role you are applying for.
  • Showcase your accomplishments: Instead of simply listing your job responsibilities, focus on highlighting your achievements and the impact you made in your previous roles. Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible to provide concrete evidence of your contributions.
  • Develop a personal brand: Define your unique value proposition and build a personal brand that sets you apart from other candidates. Identify your strengths, passions, and professional goals, and communicate them consistently across your application materials, online presence, and networking interactions.
  • Upgrade your skills: Continuously invest in your professional development by acquiring new skills and staying updated on industry trends. Consider obtaining relevant certifications, attending workshops or seminars, or pursuing advanced education to demonstrate your commitment to learning and growth.
  • Network strategically: Build a strong professional network both online and offline. Attend industry events, join relevant professional associations or online communities, and engage in networking activities. Connect with professionals in your field, seek mentorship opportunities, and leverage your network for referrals and recommendations.

7. What is the typical recruitment process in Hungary?

Each country has its own recruitment practices, and understanding the recruitment process in Hungary can help candidates prepare better. From initial applications to interviews, assessments, and final selection, candidates want to know what to expect at each stage. The typical recruitment process in Hungary follows a series of stages that enable employers to evaluate candidates and make informed hiring decisions. While the process may vary across industries and organizations, here are the key stages commonly involved in the recruitment process in Hungary: Job posting, Application submission, Application screening, Interviews, Assessments, Background Checks and Reference Checks, Decision-Making and Onboarding.

8. What is the current salary range for specific roles in Hungary?

Candidates are interested in knowing the salary range for their desired positions to ensure they receive fair compensation. Having knowledge about industry standards and salary expectations can empower candidates during negotiations and provide them with a realistic outlook. This factor could change between companies. 

9. How can I improve my chances of getting selected for an interview?

Securing an interview is often the first hurdle in the job application process. Candidates are keen to learn effective strategies for crafting impressive resumes and cover letters, as well as tips for optimizing their online presence and networking to increase their chances of being shortlisted.

10. What is the work-life balance like in Hungarian companies?

Candidates value work-life balance and seek positions that align with their personal needs and well-being. Understanding the work culture and policies surrounding work-life balance in Hungarian companies can help candidates make informed decisions about potential employers.

11. Are there opportunities for career advancement and professional development?

Candidates are interested in long-term career prospects and opportunities for growth within organizations. Knowing whether a company emphasizes career advancement and invests in professional development programs is crucial for candidates planning for their future.

12. How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the job market in Hungary?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on economies worldwide, including Hungary. Candidates want to understand the effects of the pandemic on the job market and the steps companies have taken to adapt. This knowledge can help candidates adjust their expectations and make informed decisions.

What is RED. advice for candidates looking to succeed in the Hungarian job market?

Candidates seek guidance and tips from recruiters to improve their chances of success. They are interested in learning about the qualities and skills that recruiters value and how to navigate the job market effectively.

As candidates navigate the Hungarian job market in 2022, these top 10 questions shed light on their concerns and aspirations. Recruiter companies play a vital role in providing insights and guidance to candidates, enabling them to make informed decisions throughout their job search journey. By addressing these questions and offering valuable insights, recruiters can help candidates stand out and achieve their career goals. 

Us from RED.Recruitment, with our extensive knowledge and expertise we offer consulting services to both employers and employees. Contract us or check why cooperation with a recruitment agency could benefit your business.